
Simplifying Orthodontics With Practice-Web: A Step-by-Step Guide

You don’t have to purchase pricey orthodontic software! As a hybrid general and orthodontic practice management software, Practice-Web gives you everything you need, including scheduling, treatment planning, charting, billing, and patient communication tools in one. We make it easy for you to set up, manage, and grow your orthodontics practice.  

Both powerful and affordable, Practice-Web is ideal for general practices that offer ortho as part of a suite of cosmetic dentistry services and dedicated ortho practices. Read on for an overview of our ortho software features and details on how to begin using them with ease. 

Get Started with the Orthodontics Module 

To enable and set up orthodontics features in Practice-Web, navigate to “Setup” in the top left main menu and click “Ortho.” From here, you can customize key settings such as showing orthodontic details in the patient’s account and ortho chart, managing claim submission frequencies, and setting default months for treatment.  
These configurations ensure that your system is tailored to handle the unique aspects of orthodontic care, from the first day of treatment to the final follow-up. You have several options to choose from: 

  • Show Auto Ortho in Account Module and Show Auto Ortho Information in the Ortho Chart will display the Auto Ortho tab in the patient account, which displays when the patient started treatment, how many months they are expected to need the treatment, and how many months they have been in treatment so far.  

  • Mark Claims as Ortho if they have Ortho Procedures enables a checkbox on a claim that says this is an ortho procedure. It also auto-inputs the data placements and the months in treatment.  
  • Use the First Ortho Procedure Date as Date of Placement enables the date that the first ortho procedure code was charged out will be indicated as the first day the patient started treatment. 
  • Default Months Treatment indicates the typical total months a patient is usually in ortho treatment with your practice. This can be modified in the account module under the auto ortho tab.   
  • Show Ortho Chart in Appointment Options allows you to go into the appointments module and right click to go to the ortho chart.