With the current limits on in-person dental visits due to COVID-19, you can still do teledentistry to provide diagnostic and follow-up care to your patients. Here are the steps to do teledentistry with Practice-Web and properly bill insurance for those procedures:
First read the ADA’s Coding and Billing Guidance during the COVID-19 health crisis.
Setup Practice-Web for Teledentistry
2. In the Show Features window, check the “Public Health” box
Chart the Teledentistry Procedures
If you’re remotely evaluating emergency care for patients, chart the normal procedure code and a teledentistry code (D9995 or D9996). Read more about this in the ADA’s Coding and Billing Guidance.
When you complete a procedure remotely, change the Place of Service to “Telehealth.” To do this, go to the Procedure Info window for the applicable procedure, click on the Misc Tab at the bottom, then in the Place of Service drop-down, select “Telehealth.” Now set the procedure complete.
Create and Send Your Insurance Claims
You can now create and send your insurance claims as usual.
If you need help doing Teledentistry with Practice-Web, our friendly support team is here for you as always! Please call us at 800.845.9379, Option 2 or [email protected]. You can also click here to send us a question.