Only ten days left in August. Usually about this time of the month office managers are preparing to follow up on their outstanding insurance claims reports. If they aren’t, then they should be. If you do not follow up on this report regularly you could lose thousands of dollars in outdated insurance claims. On a side note the more frequently you follow up on this report, the more likely you are to get paid by the insurance. Let’s go over the Outstanding Insurance Claim Report.
Your Outstanding insurance claim report is located in the Monthly section of your Reports Menu.
As long as your insurance payments are being made properly then this list should only contain unpaid claims. The Outstanding Insurance Claim report is also interactive, which means you can easily work this report without having to print it out.
You can see in the above image that the insurance carrier and carrier phone number are listed for easy reference, allowing you to quickly contact the insurance company. You can also change the days-old field so if you would like to concentrate on claims that are age-specific, you can. When you are on the phone with the insurance company if they request a resubmission of a claim, simply double left click on that patient’s name in this report and click the send button.
For many practices insurance is the bread and butter of your practice’s income. Why not maximize that income by making sure that the claims that you submit are getting paid. The main problem is that many doctors and office managers send so many claims that they “never find time” to follow up. Does this sound familiar? It does not have to be a time-consuming effort, especially if you use the interactive report and electronic claims and attachments. You can tutorials on our YouTube channel. If you have any questions about how to maximize your income using the Practice-Web software don’t hesitate to contact support.
Until next time 😉